How to deploy 3 tier application in Kubernetes

I have a sample 3 tier application called easyclaim. Which consists of 3 docker images frontend, backend and mysql database.

The frontend is developed using AngularJS 8 and backend is developed using Java springboot(Java 8).




Easyclaim application deployment details

Application Kind Service type Port
Easyclaim frontend Deployment NodePort 32011
Easyclaim backend Deployment NodePort 32012
mysql Deployment ClusterIp 3306

STEP1: Deploy mysql database

As per the architecture we are going to deploy the mysql database as Deployment with single replica in kubernetes.

To access this mysql database only within the kubernetes we are going to create service of type ClusterIp

The baceknd application running the same kubernetes cluster will talk to mysql database using mysql service name.

And we need to create one secret to pass the mysql root password.

Lets clone the easyclaim backend github repository which contains the kubernetes manifest files for deploying the Mysql database.

git clone

For deploying mysql database I kept all kubernetes manifest files in deployment/mysql folder.

Lets go to deployment/mysql folder

cd easyclaim-backend/deployment/mysql